The Support Group for Philippine Toyota Union TMPCWA in Japan
3-63-901, Opamahigashi-cho, Yokosuka City, 237-0063, Japan
TEL / FAX:046-866-4930
Japanese TMPCWA Home page

The Fourth Anti-Toyota Global Campaign

 Inviting you to signing a joint Protest Letter

 Protest  Letter

Doesn't Toyota lent an ear for workers'voice ?

Doesn't Toyota lent an ear for workers'voice?Japanese monthly magazine "Sekai"
- Interview with President Ed Cubelo of TMPCWA under the threat assassination
         Introduction and  interview by Haruhi Tono

   (The interview appeared in the January 2009 issue of a Japanese monthly magazine "Sekai". "Sekai" is well known as an opinion leader in Japan, to which many valuable Contributions have been made by progressive intellectuals including academics and journalists.)