
US News & World Report」の一部ポイントになる文章を翻訳します。

Posted October 21, 2009  10月21日2009年
Dr. Alice Domar, who specializes in mind-body therapy in Boston, assigned one group of women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) to take part in 10 sessions of a mind-body program; another group undergoing IVF did not take  p art. There was no difference in pregnancy rates between the two groups.


ボストンで精神身体治療を専門にしているアリス ドウマー先生は、IVFを実施している女性を二つグループに分け、一つのグループには、10の研究の精神身体プログラムに参加してもらい、もう一つのグループには参加させなかった。二つのグループには妊娠率において差異はなかった。

But things changed during the next cycle of IVF treatments. Then, 52 percent of the women who took part in the mind-body program became pregnant, compared with 20 percent of those in the other group.

しかしIVF治療の次のサイクル中に変化が起きた。精神身体プログラムに参加した 婦人の52%が妊娠したが、これに比較してプログラムに参加しなかった他のグループの婦人の妊娠は20%であった。

Mind-body sessions appeared to be especially helpful for women who were more depressed, judging from test scores, the study found.


"It's clear, based on this carefully designed study, that a holistic approach to infertility care leads to better outcomes for patients," Dr. R. Dale McClure, president of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, said in a news release from the organization.


In a related study, researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, surveyed 431 infertile couples undergoing treatment and found that 28 percent had tried complementary and alternative medical therapy. Acupuncture was the most common approach (22 percent had tried it), followed by herbal therapies (17 percent) and body work (5 percent).


A similar study from New York researchers found that even more of the couples tried alternative therapies: 47 percent. Of them, more than 90 percent called the therapy effective.


Wealthier people were most likely to have tried the alternative therapies, the study found. その検討で分ったことは、裕福な人達ほど代替医療(鍼、漢方薬など)を受けていたことです。

The studies were scheduled to be released at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine annual meeting, Oct. 17-21 in Atlanta


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