
(1) トヨタ自動車あて、 (2) フィリピントヨタ社あて、 (3) フィリピン労働雇用省あて

(1) トヨタ自動車への抗議文サンプル

渡辺捷昭 社長殿





Mr. Katsuaki Watanabe
Toyota Motor Corporation

Having already become one of the top leaders of global multinational enterprises in all industries, not in automotive industry alone, Toyota is still continuing persistent attacks upon TMPCWA in the Philippines, which are now arousing voices of disapproval from all over the world.  Now that Toyota continues to defy the Multinational Enterprise Guidelines of the United Nations and OECD, the Recommendations of ILO, etc., such Toyota’s attitude is one stepping far out of the Global Standards, and so we have to accuse your Company as an extremely cruel enterprise.

We therefore strongly demand that your Company comply with the following requirements immediately:

1. Withdraw Toyota’s dismissal of the 233 union members done in March 2000.

2. Reinstate immediately the 133 members among them who are still seeking to return
  to work.

3. Start collective bargaining with TMPCWA immediately in compliance with the Decision of
  the Supreme Court of the Philippines rendered in September 2003.

4. Withdraw Toyota’s criminal charge against the 18 union members unduly prosecuted in
  the course of the dispute at issue.

5. Resolve the dispute at issue in line with the Recommendations of ILO.

(2) フィリピントヨタへの抗議文サンプル

伊藤博士 社長殿





To: Mr. Hiroshi Ito
Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation

We strongly protest against your Company’s unfair labor practice of continuing persistent attacks upon TMPCWA in defiance of the Recommendations of ILO and the Decision of the Supreme Court of the Philippines

We demand that your Company accept the following requirements immediately and resolve the current dispute without delay:

1. Withdraw Toyota’s dismissal of the 233 union members done in March 2000.

2. Reinstate immediately the 133 members among them who are still seeking to return
  to work.

3. Start collective bargaining with TMPCWA immediately in compliance with the Decision of
  the Supreme Court of the Philippines rendered in September 2003.

4. Withdraw Toyota’s criminal charge against the 18 union members unduly prosecuted in
 the course of the dispute at issue.

5. Resolve the dispute at issue in line with the Recommendations of ILO.

(3) フィリピン労働雇用省への抗議文サンプル

労働雇用省長官 殿
アルツロ D.ブリオン殿





Mr. Arturo D. Brion
Department of Labor and Employment

We strongly protest to the Government of the Philippines against its forced conduct of the certification election on February 16, 2006, its declaration on April 7, 2006 to the effect of TMPCLO being the winner as a result of the said certification election, and its dismissal on June 29, 2006 of the appeal filed by TMPCWA from the said declaration.

Such series of actions by the Government of the Philippines as mentioned above releases the Toyota Philippines from any condemnation of its refusal of collective bargaining with TMPCWA for the past five years, thus deprives TMPCWA of all its lawful and legitimate rights in defiance of the due process of the law in the Philippines.  For the past five years, the Toyota Philippines has continued to refuse the collective bargaining with TMPCWA even in violation of the decision rendered by the Supreme Court of the Philippines, and dared to bring about a state of dispute by filing a lawsuit.  It is not permitted under the due process of the law in the Philippines to conduct a new certification election while the existing union is in a dispute with the management as in the present case, irrespective of whether the dispute is the one initiated by the management or by the labor.  Still more, it is far beyond its given power for the Government of the Philippines to declare the victory of one of the parties without clearly showing the number of the total effective votes cast.

The Government of the Philippines should duly admit TMPCWA as being still today the sole and exclusive bargaining agent of all the rank and file workers in the Toyota Philippines.

The Government of the Philippines should urge the Toyota Philippines to reinstate the 233 workers dismissed by it and to withdraw the criminal charge against the 18 workers immediately.